St. John Bosco's Attendance Reporting Protocol

Attendance Reporting Protocol 


For those students who attend onsite classes, we ask that the parent/guardian or student (18+) follow this protocol when a student will be absent from their regularly scheduled classes on any given day. Sandra Wolters, our secretary, monitors this line throughout the day and documents all the reported absences. Emailing or texting a teacher or other staff is not part of the protocol but can be done in addition to calling the attendance line.  


 Attendance Reporting Protocol

 1.) Call and leave a message on the St. John Bosco Attendance Line:

(519) 824-8909 X 1


2.) In your message include the following information:

  • Student's Name
  • Cohort Teacher's Name
  • Reason for the absence:
    • For example: (1) Mental health day required; (2) An illness related to a previously diagnosed condition; or (3) New illness that includes symptoms that are consistent with Covid-19 as determined by the Online Screening Tool .
  • Expected return date 

NOTE: If the student is experiencing Covid-19 related symptoms, we ask that you contact Public Health [(519) 822-2715 X 4234] or your health care provider for further direction as you may require Covid-19 testing.  

Thank you in advance for supporting this very important protocol.


Kellie Angerilli